The First Dail Eireann
On the opening Of the Meeting Rev Michael O’Flanagan delivered a prayer and the Proceedings began with the Appointments of a Speaker, Cathal Brugha, the Appointments of Clerks and a Roll call of the Members.
On the 21st of January 1919, Sinn Fein Candidates what had been Elected by the People of Republic of Ireland in The General Election, 32 Counties Assembled as a Revolutionary Irish Parliament Called Dail Eireann.
The elected Sinn Fein representative decided to Establish their own Assembly and to Declare Ireland’s Independence.
The Members Agreed that is Necessary the Separation from Britain’s to be Achieved by any Means of an Armed Uprising if Necessary.
Sinn Fein was very confident of it’s Radical Policies and of It’s Standing with the People of Republic of Ireland and the Fact that they Won 73 Seats out of 105 in the December General Election 1918 was a Testament to the Authority it Had Attained .
The First Meeting of First Dail Eireann was Held in the Round Room in Mansion House Dublin, and it was Attended by the Sinn Fein TD’s as the remainder were either incarcerated by the British Authorities because of so called ” German Plot ” of the previous year or out of the Country on Other Business.
It is to be Mentioned that Michael Collins Left Mansion House very early that day.
No Unionist or Irish Party Victors in the General Election Turned up, but instead they made their way to Westminster Parliament.
After the Results of the December 1918 General Election were Known it was Clear for the People of Ireland that the Polices of the Sinn Fein Resonated with The Biggest Majority of Irish People and very fast After they started working on the Establishment of the First Dail.
Those In attendance Saw the Symbolism of the Moment to Be conducted in the Irish Language and it was the only Time when the Business of The Dail was Conducted Entirely in the Native Tongue, and the Members Elected Cathal Brugha as It’s Ceann Comhairle and Declared an Independent Irish Republic.
During the course of the Meeting a Number of Documents have been Adopted including:
A New Constitution, the Constitution of The Irish Republic, a Declaration of Independence which Claimed the Dail was the Parliament of the Sovereign State called Irish Republic and was based on the Proclamation that was Delivered by the Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood being at the same time the Members of the Provisional Government of Ireland Republic, was
”Message to the Free Nations of the World” was Released asking for all the Free Nations to Recognise Ireland’s Right to Self -Determination, Governance and as well as her Place in the International Community and as Irish Republic free from British Rule.
The Members also Agreed to the Democratic Programme.
During the Inaugural Meeting of First Dail Eireann a Ministry / Cabinet was Chosen.